3#include "scippp/statistics.hpp"
5#include <scip/scip_solvingstats.h>
Parameters to access statistics with.
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_INFEASIBLE_LEAVES
number of infeasible leaf nodes processed
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > TRANS_GAP
current gap |(upperbound - lowerbound)/min(|upperbound|,|lowerbound|)| in transformed problem if both...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DELAYED_CUTOFFS
number of times a selected node was from a cut off subtree
static const Statistic< int > N_ACTIVE_CONSS
total number of active constraints at the current node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_CONFLICT_CONSS_APPLIED
total number of conflict constraints added to the problem
static const Statistic< int > N_PRICE_ROUNDS
number of pricing rounds performed so far at the current node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DUAL_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used so far in dual simplex
static const Statistic< int > MAX_DEPTH
maximal depth of all processed nodes in current branch and bound run (excluding probing nodes)
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODE_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far for node relaxations
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODE_INIT_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far for initial LP in node relaxations
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > DUALBOUND_ROOT
dual bound of the root node for the original problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_STRONGBRANCH_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far in strong branching
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > CUTOFFBOUND
global cutoff bound in transformed problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_LIM_SOLS_FOUND
number of feasible primal solutions respecting the objective limit found so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DUAL_RESOLVE_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far in dual simplex calls where an advanced start
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > PRIMAL_DUAL_INTEGRAL
recomputes and returns the primal dual gap stored in the stats
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_BACKTRACKS
total number of backtracks, i.e. number of times, the new node was selected from the leaves queue
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used so far in primal and dual simplex and barrier algorithm
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > PRIMALBOUND
global primal bound (objective value of best solution or user objective limit) for the original probl...
static const Statistic< int > N_RUNS
number of branch and bound runs performed, including the current run
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DIVING_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far during diving and probing
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > FIRST_PRIMAL_BOUND
primal bound of the very first solution
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_ROOT_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used so far in primal and dual simplex and barrier algorithm for the root ...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_CUTOFF_SCORE_CURRENT_RUN
average cutoff score value over all variables, only using the cutoff information of the current run
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_CUTOFF_SCORE
average cutoff score value over all variables
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_CONFLICT_DUALPROOFS_APPLIED
total number of dual proof constraints added to the problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_L_PS
total number of LPs solved so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_INFERENCE_SCORE
average inference score value over all variables
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_CONFLICT_CONSS_FOUND
total number of constraints found in conflict analysis (conflict and reconvergence constraints)
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > FIRST_LP_LOWERBOUND_ROOT
lower (dual) bound in transformed problem obtained by first LP solve at the root node
static const Statistic< int > N_PRICEVARS_APPLIED
total number of pricing variables applied to the LPs
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_LOWERBOUND
average lower (dual) bound of all unprocessed nodes in transformed problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_ROOT_STRONGBRANCHS
total number of times, strong branching was called at the root node (each call represents solving two...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_PRIMAL_RESOLVE_L_PS
total number of primal LPs solved so far that were resolved from an advanced start basis
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_PSEUDOCOST_SCORE_CURRENT_RUN
average pseudo cost score value over all variables, assuming a fractionality of 0....
static const Statistic< int > N_CUTS_APPLIED
total number of cuts applied to the LPs
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_CONFLICT_SCORE_CURRENT_RUN
average conflict score value over all variables, only using the conflict information of the current r...
static const Statistic< int > N_SEPA_ROUNDS
number of separation rounds performed so far at the current node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > DETERMINISTIC_TIME
total number of LPs solved so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODE_L_PS
total number of LPs solved so far for node relaxations
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_RESOLVE_L_PS
total number of LPs solved so far that were resolved from an advanced start basis
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_PRIMAL_L_PS
total number of primal LPs solved so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > GAP
current gap |(primalbound - dualbound)/min(|primalbound|,|dualbound|)| if both bounds have same sign,
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_PRIMAL_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used so far in primal simplex
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DUAL_L_PS
total number of dual LPs solved so far
static const Statistic< int > N_CUTS_FOUND_ROUND
number of cuts found so far in current separation round
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_SOLS_FOUND
number of feasible primal solutions found so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > UPPERBOUND
global upper (primal) bound in transformed problem (objective value of best solution or user objectiv...
static const Statistic< int > MAX_TOTAL_DEPTH
maximal depth of all processed nodes over all branch and bound runs
static const Statistic< int > N_ENABLED_CONSS
total number of enabled constraints at the current node
static const Statistic< int > N_CUTS_FOUND
total number of cuts found so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_OBJLIM_LEAVES
number of processed leaf nodes that hit LP objective limit
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_INFERENCE_SCORE_CURRENT_RUN
average inference score value over all variables, only using the inference information of the
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_RESOLVE_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far in primal and dual simplex calls where an advanced sta...
static const Statistic< int > N_IMPLICATIONS
total number of implications between variables that are stored in the implication graph
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DIVING_L_PS
total number of LPs solved so far during diving and probing
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODE_ZERO_ITERATION_L_PS
total number of LPs solved with 0 iteratins for node relaxations
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODES
number of processed nodes in current run, including the focus node
static const Statistic< int > N_PRICEVARS_FOUND
total number of pricing variables found so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_BARRIER_L_PS
total number of barrier LPs solved so far
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_N_ZS
number of active non-zeros in the current transformed problem
static const Statistic< int > N_REOPT_RUNS
number of reoptimization runs performed, including the current run
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_G_M_IEFF
average normalized efficacy of a GMI cut over all variables
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_ROOT_FIRST_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used in primal and dual simplex and barrier algorithm for the first root L...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_DUALBOUND
average dual bound of all unprocessed nodes for original problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_PSEUDOCOST_SCORE
average pseudo cost score value over all variables, assuming a fractionality of 0....
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > FIRST_LP_DUALBOUND_ROOT
dual bound for the original problem of the first LP solve at the root node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_CONFLICTLENGTH_SCORE
average inference score value over all variables
static const Statistic< int > N_PRICEVARS
current number of variables in the pricing store
average conflictlength score value over all variables, only using the conflictlength information of t...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_BEST_SOLS_FOUND
number of feasible primal solutions found so far, that improved the primal bound at the time they wer...
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_ROOT_STRONGBRANCH_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far in strong branching at the root node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > LOWERBOUND_ROOT
lower (dual) bound in transformed problem of the root node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > LOWERBOUND
global lower (dual) bound in transformed problem
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > DUALBOUND
global dual bound
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_BARRIER_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of iterations used so far in barrier algorithm
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_DUAL_RESOLVE_L_PS
total number of dual LPs solved so far that were resolved from an advanced start basis
static const Statistic< SCIP_Real > AVG_CONFLICT_SCORE
average conflict score value over all variables
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_PRIMAL_RESOLVE_LP_ITERATIONS
total number of simplex iterations used so far in primal simplex calls where an advanced start
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_NODE_INIT_L_PS
total number of LPs solved so far for initial LP in node relaxations
static const Statistic< int > N_CONFLICT_CONSS_FOUND_NODE
number of conflict constraints found so far at the current node
static const Statistic< int > N_ROOTBOUND_CHGS_RUN
number of global bound changes
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_TOTAL_NODES
total number of processed nodes in all runs, including the focus node
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_FEASIBLE_LEAVES
number of leaf nodes processed with feasible relaxation solution
static const Statistic< int > N_ROOTBOUND_CHGS
number of global bound changes
static const Statistic< SCIP_Longint > N_STRONGBRANCHS
total number of times, strong branching was called (each call represents solving two LPs)
Storage for a function pointer.