- class pygcgopt.gcg.Detector¶
Base class of the Detector Plugin
- detectorname¶
detectorname: unicode
- exitDetector(self)¶
calls exit method of detector
- finishPartialdec(self, detprobdata, workonpartialdec)¶
completes a partial decomposition when called in detection loop
- freeDetector(self)¶
calls destructor and frees memory of detector
- initDetector(self)¶
initializes detector
- model¶
model: pygcgopt.gcg.Model
- postprocessPartialdec(self, detprobdata, workonpartialdec)¶
postprocess a complete decomposition, called after detection loop
- propagatePartialdec(self, detprobdata, workonpartialdec)¶
refines a partial decomposition inside detection loop
- setParamAggressive(self)¶
called if the detection emphasis setting aggressive is chosen
- setParamDefault(self)¶
called if the detection emphasis setting default is chosen
- setParamFast(self)¶
called if the detection emphasis setting fast is chosen