- class pygcgopt.gcg.DetProbData¶
class to manage the detection process and data for one coefficient matrix of a MIP, usually there is one detprobdata for the original and one detprobdata for the presolved problem.
- addCandidatesNBlocksNVotes(self, int candidate, int nvotes)¶
adds a candidate for block number and counts how often a candidate is added.
- addConsPartition(self, ConsPart partition)¶
adds a constraint partition if it is no duplicate of an existing constraint partition.
- addPartialdecToAncestor(self, PartialDecomposition partialdec)¶
adds a partialdec to ancestor partialdecs
- Parameters
partialdec – partialdec that is added to the ancestor partialdecs.
- addPartialdecToFinished(self, PartialDecomposition partialdec)¶
adds a partialdec to finished partialdecs
- Parameters
partialdec – pointer of partialdec that is going to be added to the finished partialdecs (data structure to carry finished decompositions)
- Returns
True if the partialdecs was successfully added (i.e. it is no duplicate of a known partialdec)
See also
- addPartialdecToFinishedUnchecked(self, PartialDecomposition partialdec)¶
adds a partialdec to finished partialdecs without checking for duplicates, dev has to check this on his own
- Parameters
partialdec – pointer of partialdec that is going to be added unchecked to the finished partialdecs (data structure to carry finished decompositions)
See also
- addPartialdecToOpen(self, PartialDecomposition partialdec)¶
adds a partialdec to current partialdecs (data structure for partialdecs that are goin to processed in the propagation rounds)
- Parameters
partialdec – pointer of partialdec to be added
- Returns
True if the partialdecs was successfully added (i.e. it is no duplicate of a known partialdec)
- addVarPartition(self, VarPart partition)¶
adds a variable partition if it is no duplicate of an existing variable partition
- Parameters
partition – varpartition to be added.
- candidatesNBlocks¶
candidate for the number of blocks, second int indicates how often a candidate was added.
- classificationtime¶
time that was consumed by the classification of the constraint and variables classifiers.
- clearAncestorPartialdecs(self)¶
clears ancestor partialdec data structure, .. note:: does not free the partialdecs themselves.
- clearCurrentPartialdecs(self)¶
clears current partialdec data structure
does not free the partialdecs themselves.
- clearFinishedPartialdecs(self)¶
clears finished partialdec data structure
does not free the partialdecs themselves.
- conspartitioncollection¶
collection of different constraint class distributions.
- createConssAdjacency(self)¶
create the constraint adjacency datastructure that is used (if created) for some methods to faster access the constarints that have variables in common.
- freeTemporaryData(self)¶
frees temporary data that is only needed during the detection process.
- getAncestorPartialdec(self, int partialdecindex)¶
returns a partialdec from ancestor partialdec data structure with given index
- Returns
partialdec from ancestor partialdec data structure.
- getCons(self, int consIndex)¶
returns the SCIP constraint related to a constraint index
- Returns
the SCIP constraint related to a constraint index.
- getConsPartition(self, int partitionIndex)¶
returns pointer to a constraint partition
- Returns
pointer to a cosntraint partition with the given index.
- getConssForCons(self, int consIndex)¶
return array of constraint indices that have a common variable with the given constraint
- Returns
return vector of constraint indices that have a common variable with the given constraint
constraint adjacency data structure has to initilized.
- getConssForVar(self, int varIndex)¶
returns the constraint indices of the coefficient matrix for a variable
- Returns
vector of constraint indices that have a nonzero entry with this variable.
- getFinishedPartialdec(self, int partialdecindex)¶
returns a partialdec from finished partialdec data structure
- Returns
partialdec from finished partialdec data structure.
- getFinishedPartialdecs(self)¶
gets all finished partialdecs
- Returns
all finished partialdecs.
- getIndexForCons(self, Constraint cons)¶
returns the constraint index related to a SCIP constraint
- Parameters
cons – the SCIP constraint pointer the index is asked for
- Returns
the constraint index related to a SCIP constraint.
- getModel(self)¶
returns the corresponding Model instance wrapping the scip data structure
- Returns
the corresponding Model instance wrapping scip data structure.
- getNAncestorPartialdecs(self)¶
returns size of ancestor partialdec data structure
- Returns
size of ancestor partialdec data structure.
- getNConsPartitions(self)¶
returns number of different constraint partitions
- Returns
number of different constraint partitions.
- getNConss(self)¶
returns the number of variables considered in the detprobdata
- Returns
number of variables considered in the detprobdata.
- getNConssForCons(self, int consIndex)¶
returns the number of constraints for a given constraint
- Returns
the number of constraints for a given constraint.
- getNConssForVar(self, int varIndex)¶
returns the number of constraints for a given variable where the var has a nonzero entry in
- Returns
the number of constraints for a given variable.
- getNFinishedPartialdecs(self)¶
size of finished partialdec data structure
- Returns
size of finished partialdec data structure.
- getNNonzeros(self)¶
returns the number of nonzero entries in the coefficient matrix
- Returns
the number of nonzero entries in the coefficient matrix.
- getNOpenPartialdecs(self)¶
returns size of current (open) partialdec data structure
- Returns
size of current (open) partialdec data structure.
- getNPartialdecs(self)¶
returns the number of stored partialdecs
- Returns
number of stored partialdecs.
- getNVarPartitions(self)¶
returns number of different variable partitions
- Returns
number of different variable partitions.
- getNVars(self)¶
return the number of variables considered in the detprobdata
- Returns
the number of variables considered in the detprobdata.
- getNVarsForCons(self, int consIndex)¶
returns the number of variables for a given constraint
- Returns
the number of variables for a given constraint.
- getOpenPartialdecs(self)¶
determines all partialdecs from current (open) partialdec data structure
- Returns
all partialdecs in current (open) partialdec data structure
- getOrigVarsFixedZero(self)¶
returns pointers to all orig vars that are fixed to zero
- Returns
vector of vars.
- getRelevantConss(self)¶
returns pointers to all constraints that are not marked as deleted or obsolete
- Returns
vector of conss.
- getRelevantVars(self)¶
returns pointers to all problem vars that are not fixed to 0
- Returns
vector of vars.
- getSortedCandidatesNBlocks(self, candidates)¶
gets the candidates for number of blocks added by the user followed by the found ones sorted in descending order by how often a candidate was proposed
- Parameters
candidates – will contain the candidates for number of blocks sorted in descending order by how often a candidate was added.
- getVal(self, int row, int col)¶
returns a coefficient from the coefficient matrix
- Returns
a coefficient from the coefficient matrix.
- getValsForCons(self, int consIndex)¶
returns the nonzero coefficients of the coefficient matrix for a constraint
- Returns
vector of coefficients of in matrix for constraints
- Note
same order as in
- getVar(self, int varIndex)¶
returns SCIP variable related to a variable index
- Returns
SCIP variable pointer related to a variable index.
- getVarPartition(self, int partitionIndex)¶
returns pointer to a variable partition with given index
- Returns
pointer to a variable partition with given index.
- getVarPartitions(self)¶
returns vector to stored variable partitions
- Returns
returns vector to stored variable partitions.
- getVarsForCons(self, int consIndex)¶
returns the variable indices of the coefficient matrix for a constraint
- Returns
the variable indices of the coefficient matrix for a constraint.
- isAssignedToOrigProb(self)¶
returns True if the matrix structure corresponds to the presolved problem
- Returns
True if the matrix structure corresponds to the presolved problem.
- isConsCardinalityCons(self, int consindexd)¶
returns whether a constraint is a cardinality constraint, i.e. of the .. math::sum_{i} x_i = b
- Parameters
consindexd – index of constraint that is be checked
- Returns
returns whether a constraint is a cardinality constraint
- isConsSetpp(self, int consindexd)¶
is cons with specified indec partitioning, or packing covering constraint?
- Parameters
consindexd – index of the given cons
- Returns
is cons with specified indec partitioning, or packing covering constraint.
- isConsSetppc(self, int consindexd)¶
is cons with specified index partitioning packing, or covering constraint?
- Parameters
consindexd – index of cons to be checked
- Returns
whether a constraint is partitioning packing, or covering constraint?.
- isConssAdjInitialized(self)¶
determines whether or not the constraint-constraint adjacency data structure is initilized
- Returns
True iff the constraint-constraint adjacency data structure is initilized.
- isPartialdecDuplicateofFinished(self, PartialDecomposition partialdec)¶
check if partialdec is a duplicate of an existing finished partialdec
- Parameters
partialdec – partialdec to be checked
- Returns
True iff partialdec is a duplicate of an existing finished partialdec.
- nblockscandidatescalctime¶
time that was used to calulate the candidates of te block number.
- partialdecIsNoDuplicateOfPartialdecs(self, PartialDecomposition comppartialdec, partialdecs, bool sort)¶
check if partialdec is a duplicate of any given partialdecs
- Parameters
comppartialdec – partialdec to be checked
partialdecs – partialdecs to compare with
sort – sort the vars and conss data structures in the partialdecs by their indices
- Returns
True iff partialdec is no duplicate of any given partialdecs.
- postprocessingtime¶
time that was spent in postproceesing decomposigtions.
- sortFinishedForScore(self)¶
sorts partialdecs in finished partialdecs data structure according to the current scoretype.
- translatePartialdecs(self, DetProbData otherdata, otherpartialdecs)¶
translates partialdecs if the index structure of the problem has changed, e.g. due to presolving
- Returns
translated partialdecs
- translatingtime¶
time that was spent by transforming partialdecs between presolved and orig problem.
- varpartitioncollection¶
collection of different variable class distributions.