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scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix branching/treemodel. More...


constexpr Param< bool > ENABLE { "branching/treemodel/enable" }
 should candidate branching variables be scored using the Treemodel branching rules?
constexpr Param< char > FALLBACKINF { "branching/treemodel/fallbackinf" }
 which method should be used as a fallback if the tree size estimates are infinite? ('d'efault, 'r'atio)
constexpr Param< char > FALLBACKNOPRIM { "branching/treemodel/fallbacknoprim" }
 which method should be used as a fallback if there is no primal bound available? ('d'efault, 'r'atio)
constexpr Param< char > FILTERHIGH { "branching/treemodel/filterhigh" }
 should dominated candidates be filtered before using the high scoring function? ('a'uto, 't'rue, 'f'alse)
constexpr Param< char > FILTERLOW { "branching/treemodel/filterlow" }
 should dominated candidates be filtered before using the low scoring function? ('a'uto, 't'rue, 'f'alse)
constexpr Param< int > HEIGHT { "branching/treemodel/height" }
 estimated tree height at which we switch from using the low rule to the high rule
constexpr Param< char > HIGHRULE { "branching/treemodel/highrule" }
 scoring function to use at nodes predicted to be high in the tree ('d'efault, 's'vts, 'r'atio, 't'ree sample)
constexpr Param< char > LOWRULE { "branching/treemodel/lowrule" }
 scoring function to use at nodes predicted to be low in the tree ('d'efault, 's'vts, 'r'atio, 't'ree sample)
constexpr Param< int > MAXFPITER { "branching/treemodel/maxfpiter" }
 maximum number of fixed-point iterations when computing the ratio
constexpr Param< int > MAXSVTSHEIGHT { "branching/treemodel/maxsvtsheight" }
 maximum height to compute the SVTS score exactly before approximating
constexpr Param< double > SMALLPSCOST { "branching/treemodel/smallpscost" }
 threshold at which pseudocosts are considered small, making hybrid scores more likely to be the deciding factor in branching

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix branching/treemodel.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::ENABLE { "branching/treemodel/enable" }

should candidate branching variables be scored using the Treemodel branching rules?

Definition at line 504 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::FALLBACKINF { "branching/treemodel/fallbackinf" }

which method should be used as a fallback if the tree size estimates are infinite? ('d'efault, 'r'atio)

Definition at line 520 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::FALLBACKNOPRIM { "branching/treemodel/fallbacknoprim" }

which method should be used as a fallback if there is no primal bound available? ('d'efault, 'r'atio)

Definition at line 522 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::FILTERHIGH { "branching/treemodel/filterhigh" }

should dominated candidates be filtered before using the high scoring function? ('a'uto, 't'rue, 'f'alse)

Definition at line 512 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::FILTERLOW { "branching/treemodel/filterlow" }

should dominated candidates be filtered before using the low scoring function? ('a'uto, 't'rue, 'f'alse)

Definition at line 514 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::HEIGHT { "branching/treemodel/height" }

estimated tree height at which we switch from using the low rule to the high rule

Definition at line 510 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::HIGHRULE { "branching/treemodel/highrule" }

scoring function to use at nodes predicted to be high in the tree ('d'efault, 's'vts, 'r'atio, 't'ree sample)

Definition at line 506 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::LOWRULE { "branching/treemodel/lowrule" }

scoring function to use at nodes predicted to be low in the tree ('d'efault, 's'vts, 'r'atio, 't'ree sample)

Definition at line 508 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::MAXFPITER { "branching/treemodel/maxfpiter" }

maximum number of fixed-point iterations when computing the ratio

Definition at line 516 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::MAXSVTSHEIGHT { "branching/treemodel/maxsvtsheight" }

maximum height to compute the SVTS score exactly before approximating

Definition at line 518 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::BRANCHING::TREEMODEL::SMALLPSCOST { "branching/treemodel/smallpscost" }

threshold at which pseudocosts are considered small, making hybrid scores more likely to be the deciding factor in branching

Definition at line 525 of file parameters.hpp.