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scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1 Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix constraints/sos1. More...


constexpr Param< double > ADDBDSFEAS { "constraints/SOS1/addbdsfeas" }
 minimal feasibility value for bound inequalities in order to be added to the branching node
constexpr Param< bool > ADDCOMPS { "constraints/SOS1/addcomps" }
 if TRUE then add complementarity constraints to the branching nodes (can be used in combination with neighborhood or bipartite branching)
constexpr Param< int > ADDCOMPSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/addcompsdepth" }
 only add complementarity constraints to branching nodes for predefined depth (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< double > ADDCOMPSFEAS { "constraints/SOS1/addcompsfeas" }
 minimal feasibility value for complementarity constraints in order to be added to the branching node
constexpr Param< bool > ADDEXTENDEDBDS { "constraints/SOS1/addextendedbds" }
 should added complementarity constraints be extended to SOS1 constraints to get tighter bound inequalities
constexpr Param< bool > AUTOCUTSFROMSOS1 { "constraints/SOS1/autocutsfromsos1" }
 if TRUE then automatically switch to separating initial SOS1 constraints if the SOS1 constraints do not overlap
constexpr Param< bool > AUTOSOS1BRANCH { "constraints/SOS1/autosos1branch" }
 if TRUE then automatically switch to SOS1 branching if the SOS1 constraints do not overlap
constexpr Param< int > BOUNDCUTSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsdepth" }
 node depth of separating bound cuts (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > BOUNDCUTSFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfreq" }
 frequency for separating bound cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node
constexpr Param< bool > BOUNDCUTSFROMGRAPH { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfromgraph" }
 if TRUE separate bound inequalities from the conflict graph
constexpr Param< bool > BOUNDCUTSFROMSOS1 { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfromsos1" }
 if TRUE separate bound inequalities from initial SOS1 constraints
constexpr Param< char > BRANCHINGRULE { "constraints/SOS1/branchingrule" }
 which branching rule should be applied ? ('n': neighborhood, 'b': bipartite, 's': SOS1/clique) (note: in some cases an automatic switching to SOS1 branching is possible)
constexpr Param< bool > BRANCHNONZEROS { "constraints/SOS1/branchnonzeros" }
 Branch on SOS constraint with most number of nonzeros?
constexpr Param< bool > BRANCHSOS { "constraints/SOS1/branchsos" }
 Use SOS1 branching in enforcing (otherwise leave decision to branching rules)? This value can only be set to false if all SOS1 variables are binary.
constexpr Param< bool > BRANCHWEIGHT { "constraints/SOS1/branchweight" }
 Branch on SOS cons. with highest nonzero-variable weight for branching (needs branchnonzeros = false)?
constexpr Param< bool > CONFLICTPROP { "constraints/SOS1/conflictprop" }
 whether to use conflict graph propagation
constexpr Param< bool > DELAYPROP { "constraints/SOS1/delayprop" }
 should propagation method be delayed, if other propagators found reductions?
constexpr Param< bool > DELAYSEPA { "constraints/SOS1/delaysepa" }
 should separation method be delayed, if other separators found cuts?
constexpr Param< int > DEPTHIMPLANALYSIS { "constraints/SOS1/depthimplanalysis" }
 number of recursive calls of implication graph analysis (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > EAGERFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/eagerfreq" }
 frequency for using all instead of only the useful constraints in separation, propagation and enforcement (-1: never, 0: only in first evaluation)
constexpr Param< bool > FIXNONZERO { "constraints/SOS1/fixnonzero" }
 if neighborhood branching is used, then fix the branching variable (if positive in sign) to the value of the feasibility tolerance
constexpr Param< int > IMPLCUTSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/implcutsdepth" }
 node depth of separating implied bound cuts (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > IMPLCUTSFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/implcutsfreq" }
 frequency for separating implied bound cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node
constexpr Param< bool > IMPLPROP { "constraints/SOS1/implprop" }
 whether to use implication graph propagation
constexpr Param< int > MAXADDCOMPS { "constraints/SOS1/maxaddcomps" }
 maximal number of complementarity constraints added per branching node (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > MAXBOUNDCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/maxboundcuts" }
 maximal number of bound cuts separated per branching node
constexpr Param< int > MAXBOUNDCUTSROOT { "constraints/SOS1/maxboundcutsroot" }
 maximal number of bound cuts separated per iteration in the root node
constexpr Param< int > MAXEXTENSIONS { "constraints/SOS1/maxextensions" }
 maximal number of extensions that will be computed for each SOS1 constraint (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > MAXIMPLCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/maximplcuts" }
 maximal number of implied bound cuts separated per branching node
constexpr Param< int > MAXIMPLCUTSROOT { "constraints/SOS1/maximplcutsroot" }
 maximal number of implied bound cuts separated per iteration in the root node
constexpr Param< int > MAXPREROUNDS { "constraints/SOS1/maxprerounds" }
 maximal number of presolving rounds the constraint handler participates in (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > MAXSOSADJACENCY { "constraints/SOS1/maxsosadjacency" }
 do not create an adjacency matrix if number of SOS1 variables is larger than predefined value (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > MAXTIGHTENBDS { "constraints/SOS1/maxtightenbds" }
 maximal number of bound tightening rounds per presolving round (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > NSTRONGITER { "constraints/SOS1/nstrongiter" }
 maximal number LP iterations to perform for each strong branching round (-2: auto, -1: no limit)
constexpr Param< int > NSTRONGROUNDS { "constraints/SOS1/nstrongrounds" }
 maximal number of strong branching rounds to perform for each node (-1: auto); only available for neighborhood and bipartite branching
constexpr Param< bool > PERFIMPLANALYSIS { "constraints/SOS1/perfimplanalysis" }
 if TRUE then perform implication graph analysis (might add additional SOS1 constraints)
constexpr Param< int > PRESOLTIMING { "constraints/SOS1/presoltiming" }
 timing mask of the constraint handler's presolving method (4:FAST, 8:MEDIUM, 16:EXHAUSTIVE, 32:FINAL)
constexpr Param< int > PROPFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/propfreq" }
 frequency for propagating domains (-1: never, 0: only in root node)
constexpr Param< int > PROPTIMING { "constraints/SOS1/proptiming" }
 timing when constraint propagation should be called (1:BEFORELP, 2:DURINGLPLOOP, 4:AFTERLPLOOP, 15:ALWAYS)
constexpr Param< int > SEPAFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/sepafreq" }
 frequency for separating cuts (-1: never, 0: only in root node)
constexpr Param< bool > SOSCONSPROP { "constraints/SOS1/sosconsprop" }
 whether to use SOS1 constraint propagation
constexpr Param< bool > STRTHENBOUNDCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/strthenboundcuts" }
 if TRUE then bound cuts are strengthened in case bound variables are available

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix constraints/sos1.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::ADDBDSFEAS { "constraints/SOS1/addbdsfeas" }

minimal feasibility value for bound inequalities in order to be added to the branching node

Definition at line 1720 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::ADDCOMPS { "constraints/SOS1/addcomps" }

if TRUE then add complementarity constraints to the branching nodes (can be used in combination with neighborhood or bipartite branching)

Definition at line 1714 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::ADDCOMPSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/addcompsdepth" }

only add complementarity constraints to branching nodes for predefined depth (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1731 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::ADDCOMPSFEAS { "constraints/SOS1/addcompsfeas" }

minimal feasibility value for complementarity constraints in order to be added to the branching node

Definition at line 1718 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::ADDEXTENDEDBDS { "constraints/SOS1/addextendedbds" }

should added complementarity constraints be extended to SOS1 constraints to get tighter bound inequalities

Definition at line 1722 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::AUTOCUTSFROMSOS1 { "constraints/SOS1/autocutsfromsos1" }

if TRUE then automatically switch to separating initial SOS1 constraints if the SOS1 constraints do not overlap

Definition at line 1742 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::AUTOSOS1BRANCH { "constraints/SOS1/autosos1branch" }

if TRUE then automatically switch to SOS1 branching if the SOS1 constraints do not overlap

Definition at line 1708 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BOUNDCUTSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsdepth" }

node depth of separating bound cuts (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1746 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BOUNDCUTSFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfreq" }

frequency for separating bound cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node

Definition at line 1744 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BOUNDCUTSFROMGRAPH { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfromgraph" }

if TRUE separate bound inequalities from the conflict graph

Definition at line 1740 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BOUNDCUTSFROMSOS1 { "constraints/SOS1/boundcutsfromsos1" }

if TRUE separate bound inequalities from initial SOS1 constraints

Definition at line 1738 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BRANCHINGRULE { "constraints/SOS1/branchingrule" }

which branching rule should be applied ? ('n': neighborhood, 'b': bipartite, 's': SOS1/clique) (note: in some cases an automatic switching to SOS1 branching is possible)

Definition at line 1706 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BRANCHNONZEROS { "constraints/SOS1/branchnonzeros" }

Branch on SOS constraint with most number of nonzeros?

Definition at line 1727 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BRANCHSOS { "constraints/SOS1/branchsos" }

Use SOS1 branching in enforcing (otherwise leave decision to branching rules)? This value can only be set to false if all SOS1 variables are binary.

Definition at line 1725 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::BRANCHWEIGHT { "constraints/SOS1/branchweight" }

Branch on SOS cons. with highest nonzero-variable weight for branching (needs branchnonzeros = false)?

Definition at line 1729 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::CONFLICTPROP { "constraints/SOS1/conflictprop" }

whether to use conflict graph propagation

Definition at line 1699 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::DELAYPROP { "constraints/SOS1/delayprop" }

should propagation method be delayed, if other propagators found reductions?

Definition at line 1685 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::DELAYSEPA { "constraints/SOS1/delaysepa" }

should separation method be delayed, if other separators found cuts?

Definition at line 1683 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::DEPTHIMPLANALYSIS { "constraints/SOS1/depthimplanalysis" }

number of recursive calls of implication graph analysis (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1697 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::EAGERFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/eagerfreq" }

frequency for using all instead of only the useful constraints in separation, propagation and enforcement (-1: never, 0: only in first evaluation)

Definition at line 1679 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::FIXNONZERO { "constraints/SOS1/fixnonzero" }

if neighborhood branching is used, then fix the branching variable (if positive in sign) to the value of the feasibility tolerance

Definition at line 1711 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::IMPLCUTSDEPTH { "constraints/SOS1/implcutsdepth" }

node depth of separating implied bound cuts (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1756 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::IMPLCUTSFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/implcutsfreq" }

frequency for separating implied bound cuts; zero means to separate only in the root node

Definition at line 1754 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::IMPLPROP { "constraints/SOS1/implprop" }

whether to use implication graph propagation

Definition at line 1701 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXADDCOMPS { "constraints/SOS1/maxaddcomps" }

maximal number of complementarity constraints added per branching node (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1716 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXBOUNDCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/maxboundcuts" }

maximal number of bound cuts separated per branching node

Definition at line 1748 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXBOUNDCUTSROOT { "constraints/SOS1/maxboundcutsroot" }

maximal number of bound cuts separated per iteration in the root node

Definition at line 1750 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXEXTENSIONS { "constraints/SOS1/maxextensions" }

maximal number of extensions that will be computed for each SOS1 constraint (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1691 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXIMPLCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/maximplcuts" }

maximal number of implied bound cuts separated per branching node

Definition at line 1758 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXIMPLCUTSROOT { "constraints/SOS1/maximplcutsroot" }

maximal number of implied bound cuts separated per iteration in the root node

Definition at line 1760 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXPREROUNDS { "constraints/SOS1/maxprerounds" }

maximal number of presolving rounds the constraint handler participates in (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1681 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXSOSADJACENCY { "constraints/SOS1/maxsosadjacency" }

do not create an adjacency matrix if number of SOS1 variables is larger than predefined value (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1689 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::MAXTIGHTENBDS { "constraints/SOS1/maxtightenbds" }

maximal number of bound tightening rounds per presolving round (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 1693 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::NSTRONGITER { "constraints/SOS1/nstrongiter" }

maximal number LP iterations to perform for each strong branching round (-2: auto, -1: no limit)

Definition at line 1736 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::NSTRONGROUNDS { "constraints/SOS1/nstrongrounds" }

maximal number of strong branching rounds to perform for each node (-1: auto); only available for neighborhood and bipartite branching

Definition at line 1734 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::PERFIMPLANALYSIS { "constraints/SOS1/perfimplanalysis" }

if TRUE then perform implication graph analysis (might add additional SOS1 constraints)

Definition at line 1695 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::PRESOLTIMING { "constraints/SOS1/presoltiming" }

timing mask of the constraint handler's presolving method (4:FAST, 8:MEDIUM, 16:EXHAUSTIVE, 32:FINAL)

Definition at line 1687 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::PROPFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/propfreq" }

frequency for propagating domains (-1: never, 0: only in root node)

Definition at line 1674 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::PROPTIMING { "constraints/SOS1/proptiming" }

timing when constraint propagation should be called (1:BEFORELP, 2:DURINGLPLOOP, 4:AFTERLPLOOP, 15:ALWAYS)

Definition at line 1676 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::SEPAFREQ { "constraints/SOS1/sepafreq" }

frequency for separating cuts (-1: never, 0: only in root node)

Definition at line 1672 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::SOSCONSPROP { "constraints/SOS1/sosconsprop" }

whether to use SOS1 constraint propagation

Definition at line 1703 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::CONSTRAINTS::SOS1::STRTHENBOUNDCUTS { "constraints/SOS1/strthenboundcuts" }

if TRUE then bound cuts are strengthened in case bound variables are available

Definition at line 1752 of file parameters.hpp.