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scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix heuristics/padm. More...


constexpr Param< int > ADMITERATIONS { "heuristics/padm/admiterations" }
 maximal number of ADM iterations in each penalty loop
constexpr Param< bool > ASSIGNLINKING { "heuristics/padm/assignlinking" }
 should linking constraints be assigned?
constexpr Param< int > FREQ { "heuristics/padm/freq" }
 frequency for calling primal heuristic <padm> (-1: never, 0: only at depth freqofs)
constexpr Param< int > FREQOFS { "heuristics/padm/freqofs" }
 frequency offset for calling primal heuristic <padm>
constexpr Param< double > GAP { "heuristics/padm/gap" }
 mipgap at start
constexpr Param< int > MAXDEPTH { "heuristics/padm/maxdepth" }
 maximal depth level to call primal heuristic <padm> (-1: no limit)
constexpr Param< long long > MAXNODES { "heuristics/padm/maxnodes" }
 maximum number of nodes to regard in all subproblems
constexpr Param< long long > MINNODES { "heuristics/padm/minnodes" }
 minimum number of nodes to regard in one subproblem
constexpr Param< double > NODEFAC { "heuristics/padm/nodefac" }
 factor to control nodelimits of subproblems
constexpr Param< bool > ORIGINAL { "heuristics/padm/original" }
 should the original problem be used? This is only for testing and not recommended!
constexpr Param< int > PENALTYITERATIONS { "heuristics/padm/penaltyiterations" }
 maximal number of penalty iterations
constexpr Param< int > PRIORITY { "heuristics/padm/priority" }
 priority of heuristic <padm>
constexpr Param< bool > REOPTIMIZE { "heuristics/padm/reoptimize" }
 should the problem get reoptimized with the original objective function?
constexpr Param< bool > SCALING { "heuristics/padm/scaling" }
 enable sigmoid rescaling of penalty parameters
constexpr Param< int > TIMING { "heuristics/padm/timing" }
 should the heuristic run before or after the processing of the node? (0: before, 1: after, 2: both)

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix heuristics/padm.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::ADMITERATIONS { "heuristics/padm/admiterations" }

maximal number of ADM iterations in each penalty loop

Definition at line 3570 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::ASSIGNLINKING { "heuristics/padm/assignlinking" }

should linking constraints be assigned?

Definition at line 3580 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::FREQ { "heuristics/padm/freq" }

frequency for calling primal heuristic <padm> (-1: never, 0: only at depth freqofs)

Definition at line 3558 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::FREQOFS { "heuristics/padm/freqofs" }

frequency offset for calling primal heuristic <padm>

Definition at line 3560 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::GAP { "heuristics/padm/gap" }

mipgap at start

Definition at line 3574 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::MAXDEPTH { "heuristics/padm/maxdepth" }

maximal depth level to call primal heuristic <padm> (-1: no limit)

Definition at line 3562 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<long long> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::MAXNODES { "heuristics/padm/maxnodes" }

maximum number of nodes to regard in all subproblems

Definition at line 3564 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<long long> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::MINNODES { "heuristics/padm/minnodes" }

minimum number of nodes to regard in one subproblem

Definition at line 3566 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::NODEFAC { "heuristics/padm/nodefac" }

factor to control nodelimits of subproblems

Definition at line 3568 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::ORIGINAL { "heuristics/padm/original" }

should the original problem be used? This is only for testing and not recommended!

Definition at line 3582 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::PENALTYITERATIONS { "heuristics/padm/penaltyiterations" }

maximal number of penalty iterations

Definition at line 3572 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::PRIORITY { "heuristics/padm/priority" }

priority of heuristic <padm>

Definition at line 3556 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::REOPTIMIZE { "heuristics/padm/reoptimize" }

should the problem get reoptimized with the original objective function?

Definition at line 3576 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::SCALING { "heuristics/padm/scaling" }

enable sigmoid rescaling of penalty parameters

Definition at line 3578 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::HEURISTICS::PADM::TIMING { "heuristics/padm/timing" }

should the heuristic run before or after the processing of the node? (0: before, 1: after, 2: both)

Definition at line 3584 of file parameters.hpp.