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scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix nlhdlr/perspective. More...


constexpr Param< bool > ADJREFPOINT { "nlhdlr/perspective/adjrefpoint" }
 whether to adjust the reference point
constexpr Param< bool > CONVEXONLY { "nlhdlr/perspective/convexonly" }
 whether perspective cuts are added only for convex expressions
constexpr Param< bool > ENABLED { "nlhdlr/perspective/enabled" }
 should this nonlinear handler be used
constexpr Param< int > MAXPROPROUNDS { "nlhdlr/perspective/maxproprounds" }
 maximal number of propagation rounds in probing
constexpr Param< double > MINDOMREDUCTION { "nlhdlr/perspective/mindomreduction" }
 minimal relative reduction in a variable's domain for applying probing
constexpr Param< double > MINVIOLPROBING { "nlhdlr/perspective/minviolprobing" }
 minimal violation w.r.t. auxiliary variables for applying probing
constexpr Param< int > PROBINGFREQ { "nlhdlr/perspective/probingfreq" }
 probing frequency (-1 - no probing, 0 - root node only)
constexpr Param< bool > PROBINGONLYINSEPA { "nlhdlr/perspective/probingonlyinsepa" }
 whether to do probing only in separation
constexpr Param< bool > TIGHTENBOUNDS { "nlhdlr/perspective/tightenbounds" }
 whether variable semicontinuity is used to tighten variable bounds

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix nlhdlr/perspective.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::ADJREFPOINT { "nlhdlr/perspective/adjrefpoint" }

whether to adjust the reference point

Definition at line 4512 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::CONVEXONLY { "nlhdlr/perspective/convexonly" }

whether perspective cuts are added only for convex expressions

Definition at line 4508 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::ENABLED { "nlhdlr/perspective/enabled" }

should this nonlinear handler be used

Definition at line 4496 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::MAXPROPROUNDS { "nlhdlr/perspective/maxproprounds" }

maximal number of propagation rounds in probing

Definition at line 4498 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::MINDOMREDUCTION { "nlhdlr/perspective/mindomreduction" }

minimal relative reduction in a variable's domain for applying probing

Definition at line 4500 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::MINVIOLPROBING { "nlhdlr/perspective/minviolprobing" }

minimal violation w.r.t. auxiliary variables for applying probing

Definition at line 4502 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::PROBINGFREQ { "nlhdlr/perspective/probingfreq" }

probing frequency (-1 - no probing, 0 - root node only)

Definition at line 4506 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::PROBINGONLYINSEPA { "nlhdlr/perspective/probingonlyinsepa" }

whether to do probing only in separation

Definition at line 4504 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::NLHDLR::PERSPECTIVE::TIGHTENBOUNDS { "nlhdlr/perspective/tightenbounds" }

whether variable semicontinuity is used to tighten variable bounds

Definition at line 4510 of file parameters.hpp.