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scippp::params::SEPARATING Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix separating. More...


namespace  AGGREGATION
 Parameters with prefix separating/aggregation.
namespace  CGMIP
 Parameters with prefix separating/cgmip.
namespace  CLIQUE
 Parameters with prefix separating/clique.
namespace  CLOSECUTS
 Parameters with prefix separating/closecuts.
namespace  CMIR
 Parameters with prefix separating/cmir.
namespace  CONVEXPROJ
 Parameters with prefix separating/convexproj.
namespace  DISJUNCTIVE
 Parameters with prefix separating/disjunctive.
namespace  ECCUTS
 Parameters with prefix separating/eccuts.
namespace  FLOWCOVER
 Parameters with prefix separating/flowcover.
namespace  GAUGE
 Parameters with prefix separating/gauge.
namespace  GOMORY
 Parameters with prefix separating/gomory.
namespace  GOMORYMI
 Parameters with prefix separating/gomorymi.
 Parameters with prefix separating/impliedbounds.
namespace  INTERMINOR
 Parameters with prefix separating/interminor.
namespace  INTOBJ
 Parameters with prefix separating/intobj.
 Parameters with prefix separating/knapsackcover.
namespace  MCF
 Parameters with prefix separating/mcf.
namespace  MINOR
 Parameters with prefix separating/minor.
namespace  MIXING
 Parameters with prefix separating/mixing.
namespace  ODDCYCLE
 Parameters with prefix separating/oddcycle.
 Parameters with prefix separating/rapidlearning.
namespace  RLT
 Parameters with prefix separating/rlt.
namespace  STRONGCG
 Parameters with prefix separating/strongcg.
namespace  ZEROHALF
 Parameters with prefix separating/zerohalf.


constexpr Param< int > CUTAGELIMIT { "separating/cutagelimit" }
 maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from the global cut pool, or -1 to keep all cuts
constexpr Param< char > CUTSELRESTART { "separating/cutselrestart" }
 cut selection during restart ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)
constexpr Param< char > CUTSELSUBSCIP { "separating/cutselsubscip" }
 cut selection for sub SCIPs ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)
constexpr Param< char > EFFICACYNORM { "separating/efficacynorm" }
 row norm to use for efficacy calculation ('e'uclidean, 'm'aximum, 's'um, 'd'iscrete)
constexpr Param< bool > FILTERCUTPOOLREL { "separating/filtercutpoolrel" }
 should cutpool separate only cuts with high relative efficacy?
constexpr Param< int > MAXADDROUNDS { "separating/maxaddrounds" }
 maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent price-and-cut loops (-1: no additional restriction)
constexpr Param< double > MAXBOUNDDIST { "separating/maxbounddist" }
 maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)
constexpr Param< double > MAXCOEFRATIO { "separating/maxcoefratio" }
 maximal ratio between coefficients in strongcg, cmir, and flowcover cuts
constexpr Param< double > MAXCOEFRATIOFACROWPREP { "separating/maxcoefratiofacrowprep" }
 maximal ratio between coefficients (as factor of 1/feastol) to ensure in rowprep cleanup
constexpr Param< int > MAXCUTS { "separating/maxcuts" }
 maximal number of cuts separated per separation round (0: disable local separation)
constexpr Param< int > MAXCUTSROOT { "separating/maxcutsroot" }
 maximal number of separated cuts at the root node (0: disable root node separation)
constexpr Param< double > MAXLOCALBOUNDDIST { "separating/maxlocalbounddist" }
 maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying local separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)
constexpr Param< int > MAXROUNDS { "separating/maxrounds" }
 maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXROUNDSROOT { "separating/maxroundsroot" }
 maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXROUNDSROOTSUBRUN { "separating/maxroundsrootsubrun" }
 maximal number of separation rounds in the root node of a subsequent run (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXRUNS { "separating/maxruns" }
 maximal number of runs for which separation is enabled (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXSTALLROUNDS { "separating/maxstallrounds" }
 maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in local nodes (-1: no additional restriction)
constexpr Param< int > MAXSTALLROUNDSROOT { "separating/maxstallroundsroot" }
 maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in the root node (-1: no additional restriction)
constexpr Param< double > MINACTIVITYQUOT { "separating/minactivityquot" }
 minimum cut activity quotient to convert cuts into constraints during a restart (0.0: all cuts are converted)
constexpr Param< double > MINEFFICACY { "separating/minefficacy" }
 minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP
constexpr Param< double > MINEFFICACYROOT { "separating/minefficacyroot" }
 minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP in the root node
constexpr Param< char > ORTHOFUNC { "separating/orthofunc" }
 function used for calc. scalar prod. in orthogonality test ('e'uclidean, 'd'iscrete)
constexpr Param< int > POOLFREQ { "separating/poolfreq" }
 separation frequency for the global cut pool (-1: disable global cut pool, 0: only separate pool at the root)

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix separating.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::CUTAGELIMIT { "separating/cutagelimit" }

maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from the global cut pool, or -1 to keep all cuts

Definition at line 5570 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::SEPARATING::CUTSELRESTART { "separating/cutselrestart" }

cut selection during restart ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)

Definition at line 5544 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::SEPARATING::CUTSELSUBSCIP { "separating/cutselsubscip" }

cut selection for sub SCIPs ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient)

Definition at line 5546 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::SEPARATING::EFFICACYNORM { "separating/efficacynorm" }

row norm to use for efficacy calculation ('e'uclidean, 'm'aximum, 's'um, 'd'iscrete)

Definition at line 5542 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::FILTERCUTPOOLREL { "separating/filtercutpoolrel" }

should cutpool separate only cuts with high relative efficacy?

Definition at line 5548 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXADDROUNDS { "separating/maxaddrounds" }

maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent price-and-cut loops (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 5558 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXBOUNDDIST { "separating/maxbounddist" }

maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)

Definition at line 5525 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXCOEFRATIO { "separating/maxcoefratio" }

maximal ratio between coefficients in strongcg, cmir, and flowcover cuts

Definition at line 5530 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXCOEFRATIOFACROWPREP { "separating/maxcoefratiofacrowprep" }

maximal ratio between coefficients (as factor of 1/feastol) to ensure in rowprep cleanup

Definition at line 5532 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXCUTS { "separating/maxcuts" }

maximal number of cuts separated per separation round (0: disable local separation)

Definition at line 5566 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXCUTSROOT { "separating/maxcutsroot" }

maximal number of separated cuts at the root node (0: disable root node separation)

Definition at line 5568 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXLOCALBOUNDDIST { "separating/maxlocalbounddist" }

maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying local separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)

Definition at line 5528 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXROUNDS { "separating/maxrounds" }

maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 5552 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXROUNDSROOT { "separating/maxroundsroot" }

maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 5554 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXROUNDSROOTSUBRUN { "separating/maxroundsrootsubrun" }

maximal number of separation rounds in the root node of a subsequent run (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 5556 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXRUNS { "separating/maxruns" }

maximal number of runs for which separation is enabled (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 5550 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXSTALLROUNDS { "separating/maxstallrounds" }

maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in local nodes (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 5561 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MAXSTALLROUNDSROOT { "separating/maxstallroundsroot" }

maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in the root node (-1: no additional restriction)

Definition at line 5564 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MINACTIVITYQUOT { "separating/minactivityquot" }

minimum cut activity quotient to convert cuts into constraints during a restart (0.0: all cuts are converted)

Definition at line 5538 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MINEFFICACY { "separating/minefficacy" }

minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP

Definition at line 5534 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::MINEFFICACYROOT { "separating/minefficacyroot" }

minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP in the root node

Definition at line 5536 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<char> scippp::params::SEPARATING::ORTHOFUNC { "separating/orthofunc" }

function used for calc. scalar prod. in orthogonality test ('e'uclidean, 'd'iscrete)

Definition at line 5540 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::POOLFREQ { "separating/poolfreq" }

separation frequency for the global cut pool (-1: disable global cut pool, 0: only separate pool at the root)

Definition at line 5572 of file parameters.hpp.