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scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT Namespace Reference

Parameters with prefix separating/rlt. More...


constexpr Param< bool > ADDTOPOOL { "separating/rlt/addtopool" }
 if set to true, globally valid RLT cuts are added to the global cut pool
constexpr Param< double > BADSCORE { "separating/rlt/badscore" }
 threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be discarded
constexpr Param< bool > DELAY { "separating/rlt/delay" }
 should separator be delayed, if other separators found cuts?
constexpr Param< bool > DETECTHIDDEN { "separating/rlt/detecthidden" }
 if set to true, hidden products are detected and separated by McCormick cuts
constexpr Param< double > DIRCUTOFFDISTWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/dircutoffdistweight" }
 weight of directed cutoff distance in cut score calculation
constexpr Param< double > EFFICACYWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/efficacyweight" }
 weight of efficacy in cut score calculation
constexpr Param< int > EXPBACKOFF { "separating/rlt/expbackoff" }
 base for exponential increase of frequency at which separator <rlt> is called (1: call at each multiple of frequency)
constexpr Param< int > FREQ { "separating/rlt/freq" }
 frequency for calling separator <rlt> (-1: never, 0: only in root node)
constexpr Param< double > GOODMAXPARALL { "separating/rlt/goodmaxparall" }
 maximum parallelism for good cuts
constexpr Param< double > GOODSCORE { "separating/rlt/goodscore" }
 threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be considered good, so that less strict filtering is applied
constexpr Param< bool > HIDDENRLT { "separating/rlt/hiddenrlt" }
 whether RLT cuts (TRUE) or only McCormick inequalities (FALSE) should be added for hidden products
constexpr Param< double > MAXBOUNDDIST { "separating/rlt/maxbounddist" }
 maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separator <rlt> (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)
constexpr Param< int > MAXNCUTS { "separating/rlt/maxncuts" }
 maximal number of rlt-cuts that are added per round (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< double > MAXPARALL { "separating/rlt/maxparall" }
 maximum parallelism for non-good cuts
constexpr Param< int > MAXROUNDS { "separating/rlt/maxrounds" }
 maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXROUNDSROOT { "separating/rlt/maxroundsroot" }
 maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXUNKNOWNTERMS { "separating/rlt/maxunknownterms" }
 maximal number of unknown bilinear terms a row is still used with (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< int > MAXUSEDVARS { "separating/rlt/maxusedvars" }
 maximal number of variables used to compute rlt cuts (-1: unlimited)
constexpr Param< double > OBJPARALWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/objparalweight" }
 weight of objective parallelism in cut score calculation
constexpr Param< bool > ONLYCONTROWS { "separating/rlt/onlycontrows" }
 if set to true, only continuous rows are used for rlt cuts
constexpr Param< bool > ONLYEQROWS { "separating/rlt/onlyeqrows" }
 if set to true, only equality rows are used for rlt cuts
constexpr Param< bool > ONLYORIGINAL { "separating/rlt/onlyoriginal" }
 if set to true, only original rows and variables are used
constexpr Param< int > PRIORITY { "separating/rlt/priority" }
 priority of separator <rlt>
constexpr Param< bool > USEINSUBSCIP { "separating/rlt/useinsubscip" }
 if set to true, rlt is also used in sub-scips
constexpr Param< bool > USEPROJECTION { "separating/rlt/useprojection" }
 if set to true, projected rows are checked first

Detailed Description

Parameters with prefix separating/rlt.

Variable Documentation


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::ADDTOPOOL { "separating/rlt/addtopool" }

if set to true, globally valid RLT cuts are added to the global cut pool

Definition at line 6328 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::BADSCORE { "separating/rlt/badscore" }

threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be discarded

Definition at line 6333 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::DELAY { "separating/rlt/delay" }

should separator be delayed, if other separators found cuts?

Definition at line 6299 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::DETECTHIDDEN { "separating/rlt/detecthidden" }

if set to true, hidden products are detected and separated by McCormick cuts

Definition at line 6324 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::DIRCUTOFFDISTWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/dircutoffdistweight" }

weight of directed cutoff distance in cut score calculation

Definition at line 6339 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::EFFICACYWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/efficacyweight" }

weight of efficacy in cut score calculation

Definition at line 6337 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::EXPBACKOFF { "separating/rlt/expbackoff" }

base for exponential increase of frequency at which separator <rlt> is called (1: call at each multiple of frequency)

Definition at line 6302 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::FREQ { "separating/rlt/freq" }

frequency for calling separator <rlt> (-1: never, 0: only in root node)

Definition at line 6294 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::GOODMAXPARALL { "separating/rlt/goodmaxparall" }

maximum parallelism for good cuts

Definition at line 6341 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::GOODSCORE { "separating/rlt/goodscore" }

threshold for score of cut relative to best score to be considered good, so that less strict filtering is applied

Definition at line 6331 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::HIDDENRLT { "separating/rlt/hiddenrlt" }

whether RLT cuts (TRUE) or only McCormick inequalities (FALSE) should be added for hidden products

Definition at line 6326 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXBOUNDDIST { "separating/rlt/maxbounddist" }

maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separator <rlt> (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)

Definition at line 6297 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXNCUTS { "separating/rlt/maxncuts" }

maximal number of rlt-cuts that are added per round (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 6304 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXPARALL { "separating/rlt/maxparall" }

maximum parallelism for non-good cuts

Definition at line 6343 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXROUNDS { "separating/rlt/maxrounds" }

maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 6310 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXROUNDSROOT { "separating/rlt/maxroundsroot" }

maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 6312 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXUNKNOWNTERMS { "separating/rlt/maxunknownterms" }

maximal number of unknown bilinear terms a row is still used with (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 6306 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::MAXUSEDVARS { "separating/rlt/maxusedvars" }

maximal number of variables used to compute rlt cuts (-1: unlimited)

Definition at line 6308 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<double> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::OBJPARALWEIGHT { "separating/rlt/objparalweight" }

weight of objective parallelism in cut score calculation

Definition at line 6335 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::ONLYCONTROWS { "separating/rlt/onlycontrows" }

if set to true, only continuous rows are used for rlt cuts

Definition at line 6316 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::ONLYEQROWS { "separating/rlt/onlyeqrows" }

if set to true, only equality rows are used for rlt cuts

Definition at line 6314 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::ONLYORIGINAL { "separating/rlt/onlyoriginal" }

if set to true, only original rows and variables are used

Definition at line 6318 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<int> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::PRIORITY { "separating/rlt/priority" }

priority of separator <rlt>

Definition at line 6292 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::USEINSUBSCIP { "separating/rlt/useinsubscip" }

if set to true, rlt is also used in sub-scips

Definition at line 6320 of file parameters.hpp.


constexpr Param<bool> scippp::params::SEPARATING::RLT::USEPROJECTION { "separating/rlt/useprojection" }

if set to true, projected rows are checked first

Definition at line 6322 of file parameters.hpp.